
NDT Training Ernakulam

NDT Training Ernakulam A Technology that is used to analyze a structure’s properties to estimate its strength, imperfections and life without damaging the structure itself is known as NDT. The technique is used to test quality of a structure, material or component and so can save lives, money and time. NDT course in Kerala the various steps involved are evaluation, troubleshooting and research. There are various National and International standards that would vary from the purpose served ranging from Mechanical to Electrical Engineering, Civil to Aeronautical Engineering and even Petroleum to Medicine. The various techniques involved are as follows: Liquid Penetrate Testing,Magnetic Particle Testing,Ultrasonic Testing,Eddy Current Testing,Radiographic Testing,Visual Testing
NDT Training Ernakulam

NDT Course Syllabus:

  • Visual test
  • Penetrant test
  • Magnetic particle test
  • Ultrasonic Test
  • Radiographic Test
  • Radiographic Film Interpretation
  • ASNT L-III exams preparatory courses.
  • Eddy Current
  • Leak Testing
  • Thermal Infra-Red
  • Phased array ultrasonic testing

Shareable Certificate

International & National Level Certification.

Online NDT Course

Start instantly and learn at your own schedule, NDT Course, Quick to become a professional.

Classroom NDT Course

Get NDT Course Training in Classroom at limited locations. Kochi, Chennai, Trivandrum, Mumbai, Calicut, Bangalore, Mangalore, Vizag, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Nigeria.

Explore the world of NDT training Ernakulam, Kerala

Join us to build a sturdy career in the field. Learn from the best and become even better.

NDT Training Institute Ernakulam The field of Oil and Gas has been growing non-stop since it’s discovery. It shows no signs of stopping in the near future.

The aging workforce of oil and gas professionals call for new minds.
Get certified in oil and gas and build a robust high paying career. NDT Training Ernakulam India Best Oil and Gas training centre in Chennai Oil and Gas training include QA QC NDT training and course fee starts from ₹5000. Eligibility plus two B-Tech BE Diploma Graduates M-Tech ME Ongoing and Pass out, Special training for experienced and working employees

NDT Training Ernakulam

Key Highlights

NDT full form of Non Destructive Testing (NDT) is the process of inspecting, testing, or evaluating materials, components or assemblies for discontinuities, or differences in characteristics without destroying the serviceability of the part or system. In other words, when the inspection or test is completed the part can still be used.

NDT Training Ernakulam The field of Oil and Gas has been growing non-stop since it’s discovery. It shows no signs of stopping in the near future.The aging workforce of oil and gas professionals call for new minds.Get certified in oil and gas and build a robust high paying career.


Get ready to work in Oil and Gas piping and QC Engineering

SMEC is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified multinational company founded in 2001. SMEC has grown to become an industry leader with over 20 years of experience in marine and Oil and gas Industrial sector. Training is available in Cochin, Trivandrum (Kerala), Chennai (Tamil Nadu), Mangalore (Karnataka), Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh), Mumbai, Thane (Maharashtra), Sharjah, Dubai (UAE). All candidates can avail Certification accredited by National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), India International Skill Centre (IISC), TUV Rheinland Germany etc. on the successful completion of training.

SMEC is authorized by the American Society for Non-destructive Testing (ASNT), American Welding Society (AWS), American Petroleum Institute (API). The demand for Engineers and technicians in Oil and Gas, Petroleum Industries has increased to a soaring high like never before. Companies have discovered that the aging workforce in Piping, Pipeline, Instrumentation and automation has become the paramount factor for bring in the next tier of oil and gas sector talented technicians and Engineers.

NDT Training in Ernakulam

NDT Training Ernakulam

The SMEClabs Advantages

  • Designed for Working Professionals
  • 71+ Oil & Gas Case Studies & Projects
  • 17 Unique Specialisations
  • IIIT Kanpur Alumni organised syllabus
  • Job Assistance with Top Firms
  • One Course 20+ Certifications
  • Lifetime Class Recording Access
  • Anytime practical refreshment in 33+ centers India

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  • 78% Average Salary Hike
  • 72L Highest Salary
  • 400& Highest Salary Hike
  • 70% Job Opportunities
  • India’s most trusted training brand
  • Industry mapped curriculum
  • Hands on experience with the latest machinery through hybrid
  • Virtual access to our superior tech infrastructure

NDT Training Ernakulam Syllabus

Terms and Definitions
Welding Positions
Factors affecting the welding process
Welding Symbols – AWS A2.4/BS-ISO
Defectology – Welding, Casting, Forming, Fracture Mechanism(Ductile/Brittle/Fatigue)
Introduction to welding process and its parameters
Fusion ARC Welding processshielded metal ARC welding(SMAW/MMA)
Tungsten Intert Gas welding(TIG/GTAW)Gas Metal ARC welding (
Submerged ARC weldingthermal welding and cutting process
Welding Metallurgy
Materials – Types/composition/structure and properties
Alloys – Alloys and its characteristics
Steel and its Alloys
Defects affecting the weldability of steel
Distructive testing of materials and welds
Heat treatments
stress and Distortions
Calibration, Safety and Weld repair
QC documentation – WPS/PQR/WQT/ITP
Types of Boilers
Boiler and pressure vessel inspection
Pressure parts

What is NDT?
Need of NDT
Different NDT Methods
Roles of NDT Level I,II and III Inspectors
Codes and Standards
Acceptance, Rejectance
NDT Method Selections
Visual Testing
Penetrant Test(PT)

Basic Principles
Steps of PT
Types of Penetrants
Types of Cleaning
Developer Types
Post Cleaning Methods
Dwell time of Penetrants and Developers
Flourescent Methods
Blacklight and Whitelight
Indication Development, Interpretation and Evaluation
Sensitivity rank of Developers and Penetrants
Brief of ASME Section V Article 6
Practicals(Visible and Fluorescent Methods) and Report Samples
Magnetic Particle Testing(MT)
Method Selection
Basics of Magnetism
Types of Magnetic Fields
Types of Magnetization
Dry and Wet Methods
Wet, Visible and Fluorescent Methods
Magnetic Particles Concentration and Conditions
Field Indicators, Pi Gauge,
Slotted Strips
Light Measurements
Hysteresis Loop
Introduction to ASME
Section V
Interpretation, Evaluation
and Sample Reports
Ultrasonic Testing(UT)
Basics of Sound
Basic Principle of UT
Working Principle
Working Principle
Design and Construction of Probes
Types of Transducers
Calibration Methods(V1 block, V2 block and DAC blocks)
Inspection Methods and Calibration
Data Presentation
Practicals(Calibration of Normal, Angle Probe and Inspection of Test Pieces)
Radiographic Testing and Film Interpretation(RT & RTFI)
Basics of RT
Review of RT variables
Difference between X-Ray and Gamma Ray Devices
Intensity, Penetration and Material Thickness
Source Selection for Gamma Ray Technique
Radiographic Techniques, SFD, Exposure Time
Exposure Time Calculations, Film Factor, RHM
RT Film Types, Variables, Handling, Screens, Speed, Density, Exposure and Equivalent Film Classes
Penetrameter – Types, Selection and Placement
Film Viewing – Illuminator, Film ID, Location Marker, Densitometer
RT Image Quality – Sensitivity, Contrast, Definition, Unsharpness, Backscattering
Film Processing
Course, Procedures and Written Practices
RT Safety Aspects, Measuring Devices, Exposure Limits and Protection
Review of Radiographs below RT Report format

Introduction to Oil and Gas
Introduction to Project
Oil Exploration
Oil Refining
Basic Piping
Process equipments
Code and standards
Pipe fittings & Components
Abbreviation and Symbols
Piping isometric drawings
Metric and imperial units
Cut length calculation
Bill of Materials
GAD Introduction
Cut length of GAD
Equipment layout drawing
P & ID and Symbols
Pipe supports

Fire safety
Fire triangle
Classification of fire
Extinguishment of fire
Fire extinguisher
Fire hydrant system
Fire sprinkler
Modes of fire transfer
Fire drill

Drafting settings & drawing tools
Modification tools
2d draftings
Isometric projections
Properties panel, layers
Mechanical drawings
Annotation panel
Block editing
Advanced tools
Tools palettes
Plot and print

Project Planning Management Concept
Creating OBS
Creating EPS
Creating WBS
Calander Creation
Activities and Project Codes
Resourse Creation
Resourse Allocation
Resource Analysis & Leveling
Baseline Creation
Baseline Assigning
Earned Value Calculation
Updating Project Progress
Tracking Project Progress
Import & Export Project

  • Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problems
  • Reusing Pretrained Layers
  • Faster Optimizers
  • Avoiding Overfitting Through Regularization
  • Practical Guidelines

Introduction to EPC in mechanical field
Introduction to Industrial Engineering
Engineering Drawings
Engineering Projects
Operational Planning
Production Planning
Scheduling and Roster
Mobilization and Demobilization
Procurement Engineering
Material Management
Production and Construction
Inspection and Quality analysis
Practice of Implementation

Mechanical structure applications
Static structures
Marine vessels & hulls
Boilers & pressure vessels
Coach works & carriages
Structural elements
Need of EPC Engineering
Various types of structural
Beam(s shaped, l shaped(angle))
Bearing pile(h-shaped)
Channel shaped(c-shaped)
Hollow steel shaped (hss)
I – beam
Custom shaped
Types of trusses & its applications

Natural gas processing
Shale gas
Natural gas liquids
Natural gas coposition and specification
Natural gas processing
“the reason why” a brief history of the use of oil and gas.

The generation of oil and gas prospects
Basic geology and rock properties.
Basic seismology
Procuring the right to drill – “the mineral lease”
Regulatory permits
Basic drilling operations
The rig and rig site
Drilling fluid
Well bore architecture
Well control
Deviated wells
Open hole
Evaluation using well logs Cores
Fluid tests
Basic completions Open hole
Slotted liner or gravel pack Cased and perforated Multiple completions Tubing and packers Perforations
Near well bore damage Well stimulation
Basic production operations
Reservoir mapping – how much is there?
Recovery mechanisms basic economics flow from the reservoir
Well testing
Artificial lift
Improved oil recovery methods
Water flooding
CO2 flooding
Chemical flooding
Oil and gas transportation
Tankers and lng
Closing a project – plug and abandonment and site restoration

Introduction to Petroleum Refining and Crude Oil Composition
An Overview of Refinery Products and Processes
Chemical Constitution of Crude Oil
Properties and clasiification of crude oil
Pour point
Concentration on Various Contaminants
Distillation and Boilling point
Cruse Assay
Elemental analysis and ternary classification of crude oils
Over all Refinary Flow
Desalting and Distillation
Light end units
Catalytic reformer
Catalytic Hydro treat ment
Conversion of heavy gas oil
Conversion and processing of vaccum gas oil
Processing and conversion of vaccum distilation residue
Paths of upgrading heavy oil
Sepration Process A
Atmoshpheric and Vaccum Distillation unit
Distillation Methods
Distillation Terminology
Sepration Process B
Fractionation on Light End Units ( LEU)
Gradient Solubility Model
Deasphalting Process
Thermal Conversion Process
Chemistry of Thermal Cracking
Thermal Reactivity consideration in process
Catalytic Conversion process 1
Chemistry of Catalytic Cracking
Catalytic cracking process
Catalytic hydrocracking
Catalytic Conversion process 2
Catalytic reforming
Chemistry of catalytic reforming
Finishing Process Hydrogenation
HydrodemetallationHydrotreatment Process
Product Blending
Supporting Process
Gas processing unit
Sulfur recovery
Hydrogen Production
Watewater treatment
Environmental regulation of refinary

NDT Training Ernakulam
NDT Training Ernakulam
NDT Training Ernakulam

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

There are plenty of advantages of completing NDT certified courses Getting certificate with best institute in NDT training will provide you guaranteed job and 100% placement and you can also do jobs in abroad.

They are Affiliated by ASNT and recognized by the government. They provide best machine practical demonstration and takes students to site visit to practice machines.

NDT Training Ernakulam, To know more about ndt courses fees SMEClabs Provides Best futuristic demands of the new age career trends, NDT Training in kerala and Business Analytics Training, Business intelligence & analytics training

NDT careers are interesting and each in my view and financially rewarding. This makes NDT jobs extraordinarily desirable. Whether you’re searching out a dependable profession direction or need to improve your profession, NDT (non-damaging testing) gives many outstanding opportunities. This consists of severa alternatives for development and expert growth. Best of all, NDT careers in 2022 are in excessive call for and with no trouble available. In fact, 2022 is the right time to get commenced in non-damaging testing!

Best NDT training institute in Ernakulam is used across industries such as aerospace, oil and gas, nuclear, power generation, medical, rail and general manufacturing to name a few. It is a crucial aspect of quality control and ultimately health and safety.