
MEAN Stack Course

MERN Stack Course is one of a few varieties of the MEAN (MongoDB Express Angular Node), where the customary Angular.js frontend structure is supplanted with React.js. Different variations incorporate MEVN (MongoDB, Express, Vue, Node), and actually any frontend JavaScript system can work.

Express and Node make up the center (application) level. Express.js is a server-side web system and Node.js the well known and strong JavaScript server stage. Despite which variation you pick, ME(RVA)N is the best way to deal with working with JavaScript and JSON, the whole way through.

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MEAN Stack Course

MEAN Stack Course

MEAN Stack Courses

Course Code - SLS- 1721 | Difficulty - Beginner / No experience | Eligibility - Any Degree, Diploma, Graduates | Mode - Online / Offline / OnDemand / Hybrid | Duration - 250 Hours
Detailed Syllabus | Enroll Now

MEAN Stack Course

Trusted by genius people.

SMEClabs have paved the way for several candidates to get their dream job.

MEAN Stack Course
MEAN Stack Course
MEAN Stack Course
MEAN Stack Course
MEAN Stack Course

MEAN Stack Course

At the point when the MEAN Stack was first reported, JavaScript engineers couldn’t grasp it exhaustively. MEAN is an abbreviation for MongoDB, Express.js and Angularjs, all of what capability upon Node.js. This is a stage that permits one to fabricate applications involving code as little as conceivable while taking a strong perspective on every one of the parts that contains it. Besides, composing the total code from client to server involving just JavaScript resembles a little glimpse of heaven for novices who need working applications in a brief timeframe.
SMEClabs offers MEAN Stack instructional class by the main business master coaches and guarantees your authority of full MEAN Stack improvement. Take your vocation to a higher level by procuring this MEAN Stack certificate program from our establishment which demonstrates that you are a specialist at JavaScript innovations of the most well known MEAN Stack.

Shareable Certificate

International & National Level Certification.

Online MEAN Stack Course

Start instantly and learn at your own schedule, MEAN Stack Course, Quick to become a professional.

Classroom MEAN Stack Course

Get MEAN Stack Course in Classroom at limited locations. Kochi, Alappuzha, Ernakulam, Idukki, Kannur, Kasaragod, Kerala, Kollam, Kottayam, Kozhikode, Malappuram, Palakkad, Pathanamthitta, Thrissur, Wayanad, Chennai, Trivandrum, Mumbai, Calicut, Bangalore, Mangalore, Vizag, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Nigeria.

Practical only subscription

Subscription for remote lab connectivity. 24x7

Flexible Schedule

Set and maintain flexible deadlines.

MEAN Stack Course Modules

  • Introduction to Angular
  • Html5, CSS3, Javascript,Bootstrap4
  • Introduction to TypeScript and ES6
  • Components in Angular
  • Data and Event Binding
  • Structural Directives
  • Attribute Directives and Property Bindings
  • Template/ Model Driven Forms
  • Pipes and Data Formatting
  • Service and Dependency Injection
  • Introduction to Single Page Application
  • Angular Component Router
  • Modules
  • Deploying an Angular App
  • Introduction to Node JS
  • Creating first Node JS app
  • Understanding NPM
  • Creating and locating Modules
  • Specifying dependencies with package. Json
  • Understanding CPS (Continuation Passing Style)
  • Understanding the Event Loop
  • Understanding NPM
  • Creating and locating Modules
  • Specifying dependencies with package. Json
  • Understanding CPS (Continuation Passing Style)
  • Understanding the Event Loop
  • Build app with Node and express with MVC architecture
  • Express JS with Middleware
  • Working with third party API’s
  • Events and Streams
  • Socket IO
  • Node JS Best Practices
  • Introduction to NOSQL DB
  • Overview of DB
  • Adv of NOSQL DB
  • Type of NOSQL DB

MEAN Stack Course Syllabus

  • Introduction to MongoDB
  • Installation and Configuration of MongoDB
  • Start and Stop MongoDB
  • Connection with Javascript and Node.js
  • Static and Dynamic Schemas
  • Data Modeling
  • Create database
  • Drop database
  • Introduction to Collection
  • Collection Vs Tables
  • Create Collection
  • Drop Collection
  • Operation on MongoDB
  • Introduction to document
  • Create document
  • Insert Document
  • Update Document
  • Delete Document
  • MongoDB – Limit Records
  • MongoDB – Sort Records
  • MongoDB – Indexing
  • MongoDB – Create Backup
  • Introduction to JSON
  • Uses of JSON
  • JSON Datatype
  • JSON Object
  • JSON Schemas
  • Creating and Dropping collection by javascript application
  • Creating and Deleting document by javascript application
  • Insert,Update,delete Operation with javascript
  • Introduction to
  • REST Architecture
  • HTTP methods
  • HTTP response
  • Creating REST
  • Testing REST
  • Creating Application based on REST API with Javascript and MongoDB
  • Introduction Node.js
  • Why Node.js ?
  • Feature of Node.js Node.js
  • Installation & configuration
  • Where to use Node ?
  • Server-side JavaScript
  • Asynchronous events vs. threads
  • Performance
  • Server Utilization
  • REPL Introduction
  • REPL Commands
  • Operation In REPL
  • Stopping REPL
  • Introduction to NPM
  • Installing module with npm
  • Global Vs Local installation
  • Package.json
  • Updating a module
  • Deleting a Module
  • What is Event Loop?
  • Event Driven Programming
  • Event Emitter
  • Call back function
  • OS module
  • Path module
  • Net Module
  • DNS Module
  • Domain Module
  • What is web-server?
  • Web application architecture
  • Creating web-server using Node
  • Creating Web client Using Node
  • What is framework ?
  • Express.js Overview
  • Installing Express.js
  • Request & Response
  • Request Object
  • HTTP method with Node
  • Serving statics file
  • Cookies management
  • REST with Node.js
  • Routing
  • Configuration
  • Views
  • Middleware
  • Creating an Express app/project
  • Organising/structuring the app
  • Generating HTML views with Jade
  • Navigating datasets
  • Filtering data
  • Request variables and routes
  • Posting data
  • Modifying data through PUT requests
  • Handling GET requests returning JSON
  • Modifying HTTP response headers
  • Introduction to REST API
  • REST Architecture
  • HTTP methods
  • HTTP response
  • Creating REST
  • Testing REST
  • Introduction to MVC
  • Introduction to MVC
  • What is SPA
  • Angular Directives
  • Angular Expression
  • Angular Controller
  • Angular Model
  • Angular Services
  • Angular Module
  • Angular Filter
  • Angular Data Binding
  • Angular Filters
  • Angular DOM
  • Angular Validations
  • Angular Forms
  • Dependencies Injection
  • Hosting Node projects
  • Hosting MEAN-STACK application

What are the major skills that you will acquire after completing the MERN Stack course?

What are the Top 5 job opportunities in MERN Stack?

MEAN Stack Course
MEAN Stack Course
MEAN Stack Course

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Indeed, SMEClabs gives situation you can visit this site Placementshala to get more insights about the positions.
The mean stack is utilized to make web applications, so a profession in the mean stack would offer you a ton of chances in web improvement.
MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and Node.JS
Inside Designing Courses impact innovativeness. The instruments, computations, and techniques are ways of carrying it to the real world. These stages are all framework situated thus the inside plan course can without much of a stretch be embraced by means of an internet based stage. SMEC is exceptionally fruitful in making a biological system where anybody with fundamental PC information can experience their fantasy about being an Interior Designer.
  • MEAN stack developer
  • MEAN stack trainer
  • Web developer
  • Web designer
MEAN Stack is the most famous programming language around the world, so if you need to work in an alternate country, you have a decent possibility finding some work in, say, Switzerland or Australia.