
IIoT Course

IIoT Course IIoT builds future industries which are capable of multitasking, flexible, and precise. Accessible from anywhere in the world, these industries will be the most efficient among others. Various technologies brought into contact using IIoT have made way to many technical miracles. The future is here and IIoT is just the beginning. SMEClabs has brought together a complete package where you get to experience and ethically use this technology.

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What You’ll Learn IIoT Course

Who Should Attend IIoT Course

Who this course is for IIoT Course

This IIoT course starts with the core idea of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT), and the role of the Industrial Internet Consortium. This course explores IIoT across verticals including asset management, preventive maintenance, asset monitoring, asset tracking, straight-through processing. Overview of IIOT problem scenarios– fault diagnosis of electromechanical devices is also explored. The course from SMEClabs concludes with a detailed use case using a machine learning-based classification technique for a use case of manufacturing of steel involving the relevant parameters to help predict optimal combinations for annealing.

IIoT Course

IIoT Courses – Industrial Internet of Things

Course Code - SLE -1107 | Difficulty - Beginner / No experience | Eligibility - Any Degree, Diploma, Graduates | Mode - Online / Offline / OnDemand / Hybrid | Duration - 135 Hours
Detailed Syllabus | Enroll Now

IIoT Course Syllabus :

  • Industry 4.0 Architecture
  • Fundamentals of IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
  • OLE for Process Control (OPC)
  • OPC and DCOM Diagnostics
  • OPC Security
  • OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA)
  • The Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP)
  • MQTT
  • HTTP
  • Embedded C and ARM Cortex Microcontrollers
  • Embedded Linux
  • Fundamentals of IoT & Wireless Sensor Networks
  • IoT Protocols & Networking Fundamentals
  • Porting on ARM Cortex Microcontrollers
  • IoT Application Development
  • Difference between IIoT and consumer IoT Applications at technical level
  • How it will upgrade conventional M2M systems like SCADA
  • Know-how of building an IIoT project
  • Experience from building Osmosis platform
  • How secure is IoT?
  • Vulnerabilities
  • Key aspects for Securing IoT solutions
  • Architecture principles and assumptions, Pub/Sub Model, Broker based architecture, Client decoupling
  • Topics and Wild cards, QoS – Quality of Service,LWT, KeepAlive timer, Retain, Durable Sessions,MQTT over websockets
  • HTTP VS MQTT – Comparison
  • Comparison on factors like design point, scalability,architecture, code footprint, message size
  • Security challenges in IoT and constrained devices,Approach to security in MQTT, Different security mechanisms of MQTT
  • Control packet types, Headers
  • WSN – Wireless Sensor Networks
  • WSN and its applicability in IoT
  • MQTT-SN Architecture, Difference between MQTT and MQTT-SN
  • Web and REST Architecture, Constrained RESTful Environments requirements and Architecture, CoAP Architecture, Types of messages
  • URI and content-type support, Discovery of resources provided by known CoAP services, Subscription for a resource, and resulting push notifications, Caching based on max-age, REST model for small devices, Ready for integration Secure and Multicast Support
  • HTTP VS CoAP – Comparison
  • Comparison on factors like design point, scalability, architecture, code footprint, message size
  • What is IPV6? Why is it required? Adaptation layer on 6LowPAN
  • CoAP and 6LowPAN
  • Support of CoAP for 6LowPAN
  • Getting started with MQTT and CoAP Handson
  • Introduction to MQTT and CoAP plugins
IIoT Course
IIoT Course
IIoT Course
IIoT Course

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IIoT Course
IIoT Course
IIoT Course
IIoT Course